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Name # Role Position Pos
19c035a3 f45a 4f4a 8058 94900131f8f8 546632855 Cody Curtis Vadeboncoeur 3 Athlete Defense Defense
C7981797 c1f9 4618 9e0c 9db433ff3c22 578096686 Jaden Andrew Guzman 6 Athlete Defense Defense
Dd5824c1 6940 447c ab69 36201a381b08 584769323 Christian Robel Acosta 9 Athlete Defense Defense
6bfd5405 8506 4c90 8167 beee1c90a70b 558171492 Noah Grant Aulerich 10 Athlete Forward Forward
6ba0dc62 a0e9 40ec 9842 329776189b9a 569937098 Cody James Printzen 11 Athlete Forward Forward
001a7fb0 7f22 434c 82ef dc1552485774 544069549 Brayden Nicholas Kohler 12 Athlete Forward Forward
041d94be 71f5 4200 a28e f243b865d7d5 576773697 Daniel Hayden Maxwell 17 Athlete Defense Defense
61e2e363 d77f 4bb3 990b aecea78bb211 576749914 Derek Joseph Le 22 Athlete Forward Forward
885ba984 81b5 461e ae98 4ff7541f5559 576735121 Ethan Bach 32 Athlete Goalie Goalie
B1a3d09b e5ea 47fd bd6f f30a8ec997a3 553066655 Joseph Heller Fordyce 55 Athlete Defense Defense
9811abbe 6209 4d34 9d38 3c993d5dc4b0 550726607 Chase Jeffrey Edwards 71 Athlete Forward Forward
4d0eaac6 403e 48e0 8273 1fe408ae968b 578152928 Michael Erich Muccio-Schrimpe 72 Athlete Goalie Goalie
40de922f fbb5 4e50 87c1 c4f33963c180 569164535 Max Parker Reeves 81 Athlete Forward Forward
Aaa3206a ed4c 430b aa5f a245e7f4c67d 554699712 Grayson Hiroshi Yada 85 Athlete Defense Defense


Name Role
James Francis Tamburino Coach
Melanie S Bogus Other Staff
Steven Michael Boddy Assistant Coach
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